Consulting Services

Airborne Works, consulting that provides real ROI

Any Company or organization seeking to benefit from the latest technologies can find tremendous value in hiring a subject matter expert as a consultant on a given technology that they’re looking to implement. Many times the consulting will spot and resolve issues before they become costly errors, saving clients time and valuable resources. Airborne Works offers consulting services within the UAV / UAS industry, with insight on the products and services mentioned on this page.

There are several reasons why hiring a consultant for your project for specific need can be advantageous. Consultants can provide:

  • Knowledge – with specific subject matter expertise a consultant can provide essential insights on industry trends, best practices and proper application of the technology
  • Something new – consultants offer thought-provoking applications to encourage your team to see past the problem with clear solutions to adopt new concepts or conquer new challenges
  • Visibility – the future of technology is ever-changing, a consultant within your industry can be an asset to your long-term goals to increase efficiency reduce cost.

Airborne Works and our partners are available to provide in-depth consultations on key topics within the UAV / UAS, aerial thermography and mapping as well as based Lidar technology, for many industries including Real estate, construction Insurance, and police forensics, inspection
services etc. Our experience has taught us that close collaboration with clients allows us to align our expertise with client goals and objectives to ensure the best result, the more we understand your needs, the better position we are in to direct you to the best solution.

Please tell us about your objectives for your project let us help you craft a solution that is sure to pay for itself many times over.


Mark Langley
Airborne Works

How Can We Help